Mirror Mirror: Artfront Galleries
(June 7 - 21, 2019) My 3 Cyanotype artworks have been exhibited at “Mirror Mirror” group exhibition at Artfront Galleries, 95 Broardway in Newark, NJ Poramit's artwork description:
Detail about exhibition: Artfront Galleries is busy preparing our 12th show of 2019. Mirror, Mirror will “reflect” on the darker, underlying realities of fairy tales, legends, and myths from a variety of cultures through the work of 19 area artists. The exhibition is so large we will be occupying several of the storefronts at the One Bloomfield Place building. "Mirror Mirror" catalog available for purchase at Amazon.com. Opening reception: June 7, 2019, 6-9 pm at 95 Broadway in Newark, NJ Gallery hours:
Opening Reception: June 7, 2019 (6-9 pm)
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