"A Puzzled Existence - Self Portrait" (May 2020)
Recycled Cardboard Painting by Poramit Thantapalit
Self portrait, acrylic painted on cardboard and turn into a 20 piece puzzle. Put them together to create abstract image or transforms them to self portrait. (size: 55"x44")
(Click on photo to view large version)
Recycled Cardboard Painting by Poramit Thantapalit
Self portrait, acrylic painted on cardboard and turn into a 20 piece puzzle. Put them together to create abstract image or transforms them to self portrait. (size: 55"x44")
(Click on photo to view large version)
Self Portrait
Work in Progress (April - May, 2020)
Video (Time-lapse)
Title: "A Puzzled Existence - Self Portrait"
Description: Time-lapse video: How to create self portrait -acrylic painted on cardboard- and turn into a 20 piece puzzle. Watch: How the abstract image puzzle transforms to self portrait. Time: 2.40 mins Date: 2020 |
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